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魔道祖师Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation墨香铜臭
人渣反派自救系统Scum Villain's Self Saving System墨香铜臭
天官赐福Heaven Official's Blessing墨香铜臭
1.⠀ 二哈和他的白猫师尊The Husky and His White Cat Shizun肉包不吃肉
2.⠀ 杀破狼Sha po langㅤㅤㅤㅤPriest
3.⠀ 黄金台Golden Stage苍梧宾白
4.⠀ 狐妖修炼指南Fox Demon Cultivation Manual风歌且行
5.⠀ 南禅Nan Chan唐酒卿
6.⠀ 飛鴿交友須謹慎You’ve Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale黑蛋白
7.⠀ 当年万里觅封侯Those Years in Quest of Honor Mine漫漫何其多
8.⠀ 默讀Silent ReadingPriest
9.⠀ 伪装学渣Fake Slackers木瓜黄
10.⠀ 全球高考Global University Entrance Examination木苏里
1.⠀ 刺青Tattoo不问三九
2.⠀ 不死者Undead淮上
3.⠀ 铜钱龛世Copper Coins木苏里
4.⠀ 社交温度Social Outcast卡比丘
5.⠀ 试图勾引Seduction Game嗜酒吃茶
6.⠀ 絕處逢生Thrive in Catastrophe焦糖冬瓜
7.⠀ 夺梦Seizing Dreams非天夜翔
8.⠀ 小蘑菇Little Mushroom一十四洲
9.⠀ 读者和主角绝逼是真爱The Reader and Protagonist
10.⠀ 王爷的忠犬攻The Prince's Loyal lover决绝
11.⠀ 睡前故事集·离婚之前Before the Divorce漫漫何其多
12.⠀ 法外之徒Outside the Law卡比丘
13.⠀ 七爷Lord SeventhPriest
14.⠀ 天涯客Faraway WanderersPriest
15.⠀ 兩條尾巴的小狐妖和他家道長攻The Two-Tailed Little Fox Demon榴莲巧克力
16.⠀ 终极蓝印The Ultimate Blue SealPriest
17.⠀ 无双Wushuang梦溪石
18.⠀ 地球上线The Earth is Online莫晨欢
19.⠀ 我喜欢你男朋友很久了I've Liked Your Boyfriend For a Long Time酱子贝
20.⠀ 向河神献祭的正确方式The right Way to Offer a Sacrifice to the River God吕天逸
21.⠀ 千秋Thousand Autumns梦溪石
221.⠀ 残次品Can Ci PinPriest
23.⠀ 这个omega甜又野This Omega is Sweet and Wild莫里_
24.⠀ 死亡万花筒kaleidoscope of Death西子绪
25.⠀ 你是不是喜欢我Don’t You Like Me吕天逸
26.⠀ 我行让我来I Can Do It酱子贝
27.⠀ 神木挠不尽The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post绿野千鹤
28.⠀ 他们都说我遇到了未知生物They All Say I've Met a Ghost青色羽翼
29.⠀ 低等动物Lowly Creature卡比丘
30.⠀ 我叫我同桌打你I’ll Have My Seatmate Beat You靠靠
31.⠀ 碎玉投珠Crushing Jade and Casting Pearls北南
32.⠀ 你的距离Your Distance公子优
33.⠀ 你们男生打游戏好厉害哦You Boys Play Games Very Well易修罗
34.⠀ 灵异片演员appSupernatural Movie Actor App戏子祭酒
35.⠀ 可愛過敏原Lovely Allergen稚楚
36.⠀ 薄雾[无限]Mist微风几许
37.⠀ 在恐怖片里当万人迷[快穿]To Be a Heartthrob in a Horror Movie姜之鱼
38.⠀ 这个Omega全异能免疫This Omega is Immune to All Abilities青梅酱
39.⠀ 重生之特别案卷Special Case Files of Rebirth狂想之途
40.⠀ 错位游戏Misplacement Game藤原欣
41.⠀ 茕茕Loneliness九月买的饼干
42.⠀ 我真的只是个普通人I’m Really Just an Ordinary Person帷幕灯火
43.⠀ 营业悖论Fanservice Paradox稚楚
44.⠀ 二零一三(末日曙光)2013非天夜翔
45.⠀ 禁区Restricted Area空菊
46.⠀ 不要物种歧视Don’t Discriminate Against Species月下蝶影
47.⠀ 寒剑栖桃花Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword西子绪
1. 落不下Can’t Be Left Behind麟潜
2. 心狂Madness of the Heart初禾
3. 蛇夫座Ophiuchus瞿如
4. 明日星程The Star Around The Sun金刚圈
5. 意外标记Accidental Mark蝶之灵
6. 原来你也喜欢我So You Like Me Too一个米饼
7. 惊!说好的选秀综艺竟然Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!晏白白
8. 拜我,我让你发财Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich向远飞
9. 永夜之锋Vanguard of the Eternal Night指尖的咏叹调
10. 你可曾见过如此高冷的作者Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author首初
11. 我不做人了I’m Not Human酒矣
12. 蟲族之歸家Home of the Zerg哼哼
13. 我曾是个传说I Was Once a Legend狂渚
14. 忧郁先生想过平静生活Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life青色羽翼
15. 学渣同桌不需要安慰My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting龙柒
16. 快穿之打臉狂魔Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil風流書呆
17. 邪祟The Haunted大圆子
18. 坏道The Way of the EvilPriest
19. 穿越之勉为其男Transmigration of Mian -Reluctantly- Becomes His Man -Wife-怜惜凝眸
20. 史前养夫记Stone Age Husband Raising Journal决绝
21. 重生之尊荣The Glory After Rebirth怀若谷
22. 游戏加载中Game Loading龙柒
23. 天敌饲养指南A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy决绝
24. 限时占有Limited Possession杳杳一言
25. 傳說之主的夫人The Legendary Master’s Wife尹琊
26. 定海浮生录Dinghai Fusheng Records非天夜翔
27. 明镜台Ming Jing TaiNeleta
28. 某某A Certain Someone木苏里
29. 将进酒Qiang Jin Jiu唐酒卿
30. 一级律师First-Class Lawyer木苏里
31. 咬上你指尖Bite Your Fingertips苏景闲
32. 日落大道Sunset Boulevard卡比丘
33. 重生超模Rebirth of a Supermodel莫晨欢
34. 迷途Stray年终
35. 一不小心和醋精结婚了Accidentally Married a Man Full of Vinegar一枚纽扣
36. 和NPC抢装备Looting Equipment From NPCs原叶原
37. (重生) 殊途Rebirth: Different Way李松儒
38. 穿成炮灰O后他A爆了Bursting After He Transmigrated into the Cannon Fodder Omega宿寒屿
39. 山河表里Of Mountains and RiversPriest
40. 君为下The Submissive Emperor绿野千鹤
41. 我喜欢你的信息素I Like Your Pheromones引路星
42. 看见你了I See You古今
1. 星盘重启Nirvana Rebirth非天夜翔
2. 乱世为王To Rule in a Turbulent World非天夜翔
3. 和残疾巨佬闪婚后After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant惗肆
4. 萤幕拍档Screen Partner七优
5. 女巫请睁眼Witch, Open Your Eyes亡人越刀
6. 校服绅士School Uniform Gentleman曲小蛐
7. 带着死对头的崽跑路Running Away With The Nemesis’ Cub好橘一大橘